Kostas Koukaras holds a BSc in Biology, a MSc in hydrobiology and aquaculture and a PhD in environmental monitoring and harmful algal blooms, from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
His Phd study was the baseline of harmful algal monitoring programs in coastal waters not only in Greece but also in other Mediterranean countries.
He has over 22 years national and international experience in integrated coastal zone management focusing on water monitoring (environmental auditing, reporting and inspection, environmental impact analysis and carrying capacity) and aquaculture activities (monitoring and licensing, recirculation systems for aquaculture, shellfish depuration systems, indoor shrimp farming, etc).
He is a serial entrepreneur in innovative ventures in in Greece: past co-fonder and scientific manager of Nearhus GP Company (2006-2015) and Tethys wetland park (2009-2016), which were both innovated companies in environmental monitoring and aquaculture sector in Greece.
Since 2020, he is working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). The main research areas are the development of innovative pilot applications in the aquaculture industry in relation to the exploitation of marine biodiversity under Climate Crisis.
Over the past decade, Kostas Koukaras has participated in more than 40 projects related to environmental monitoring, water management strategies, coastal monitoring and aquaculture activities.
EU’s Blue Growth Strategy identifies aquaculture as the sector that boost economics and currently is the world’s fastest growing food industry.
Kostas Koukaras nurtures insights of nature with professional farmers.
Their observations 24h of the day, together with their complimentary experiences help to understand customers' needs.
His aim is to promote the benefits of aquaculture best practices in the context of Blue Economy providing operational and frugal services.
Kostas’ vision is that aquaculture industry should be more sustainable and to meet challenges of feeding tomorrow’s world.
One way to achieve this is to incorporate innovative best practices.
Integrity is our leading principle. We are customers focused. Being transparent and sincere with our clients is the key to move forward to build an authentic partnership.
Innovation is our passion. New challenges stimulate the creation and development of business opportunities thanks to interactive and positive listening.
Being open to collaboration with people from different expertise is a richness in order to complete the cycle of knowledge and our client's success.