Innovative techniques
New species for farming
Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)
Coastal management
Impact analysis and carrying capacity
HAB programs
Management of wetlands
Investigate your own problem
Projects implementation
Innovative techniques
The technology in aquaculture has become more advanced. In order to develop their current businesses, farms are encouraged to apply new and innovative methods and tools in order to improve their production conditions and their products.
The knowledge and the expertise of Kostas Koukaras in the industry is to fulfill any client’s needs from production to management and from design and planning to evaluation and mitigation.

New species for farming
Aquaculture allows your business to extend your current activities by introducing and developing new species of farming for which there is a significant shortage from fisheries, have high commercial value and could boost the sector forward. These species can be shrimps, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, algae and other shellfish and fishes using Multi-Trophic conditions.
The pilot tests we implement for theses species provide us useful information and knowledge for the growing conditions of these organisms.

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) enables to farm and to depurate any species anywhere as it creates the optimal condition of production growth, allowing species to be farmed that cannot grow in natural conditions.
The RAS farms have a higher investment cost and increase the production cycles.
We have experience in shellfish depuration systems and in Biofloc systems for shrimps farming since 2006.

Proper evaluation of the steps in the licensing process ensures that permits are issued shortly.
We have been dealing with environmental licensing of aquaculture farms for more than 18 years.
Our experience in licensing the first Spirulina, Sturgeon, Sea urchin and Shrimp farms in Greece will give you the opportunity to expand your business in new species for farming.

Monitoring of production process and the environmental parameters (eg. Water quality, sea currents, etc) are essential factors for the successful operation of an aquaculture farm. Especially the environmental risks associated with climate change and the invasion of alien species can be addressed with early-warning monitoring protocols.
Our know-how in integrated monitoring systems meet our clients’ priorities.

Coastal management
The coastal zone is used extensively for a large number of activities. These activities are not always compatible and may result in a wide range of problems. Integrated coastal management is one of the crucial parameter for environmental projects implementation, for spatial planning and for policy process guidelines.
Our 20 years’ experience with integrated monitoring systems in coastal areas is very useful for spatial planning strategies and decision-makers.

Impact analysis and Carrying capacity
Environmental impact analysis and carrying capacity are the two major factors during coastal management and spatial planning strategies.
We provide you with all the necessary information and the available tools to build your knowledge on the impact of the environment and to settle activities sustainability into a certain ecosystem.

HAB programs
Harmful algae will be one of the increased environmental problems of the future due to climate change.
We provide consulting services for design, management and evaluation of Harmful Algal Bloom programs for private and public bodies

Management of wetlands
Successful protection of sensitive areas (like wetlands) demand knowledge. Integrated management is one of the crucial parameters for environmental projects implementation and monitoring.
Our experience in wetland management and environmental friendly practices is dated since 2009, where we established Tethys wetland park. Tethys wetland park was a private initiative that seeks to explain the possibility of rational productive activity and environmental protection and management. We trust that this way provides a sustainable model of management.

Investigate your own problem
Asking the right questions and following the right methodology you can solve the majority of your problems. We can help you in order to set up your own research with internal or external assistance.
For example, in the following video it seems the bad practice during feeding procedure where large quantities of feeds are losing. Therefore, monitoring using the appropriate tools contribute to identify problems arose.
The video belongs to the company www.elementtech.eu
Projects implementation
We have participated in more than 40 Greek and European collaborative projects with Research Institutes, Public Authorities and R&D skilled companies, from different positions (external assistant to scientific manager).
Our experience in projects implementation and our large network of partners could fulfil any client's priorities.